Monday, May 11, 2009

Letters from the Editor #2

Dear Skittles Company,

I recently purchased your product after many years of absence. It was on a dreary afternoon in which I was vehemently anticipating to 'taste the rainbow' as you have so emphatically advertised. Therefore, you must understand my shock as I proceeded to chew my apparently rainbow-less skittles. Granted, at first there was a burst of flavor of which I was delighted, but a mere chew later and the flavor turned into some sort of, what I can only imagine to be, chemical burn. I tried again, not thwarted by my first disappointing attempt at tasting the rainbow, yet the same results were sadly repeated. I was unable to ingest any more of your product. In conclusion, I would like a full refund of my 45 cents and offer my suggestion that you change your slogan to "Taste the Waste".

Regards, Amanda


Dave n' Lili said...

hahahahahah you crack me up! I do agree though. Skittles just aren't what they were when we were kids!

mkoleary said...

They do taste kinda funky don't they. I'm just glad they didn't kill you or taste buds!

what do you have to do to make the burn go away?! : )

Amanda said...

yea, it was a drastically unpleasant experience. & although I may have exaggerated a tinny bit I won't be eating them any more. ick