I'm annoyed today. I decided to complain in a poem... I figured I would sound artistic with a poem as opposed to sounding like a grump with the long rant I had wanted to post. Pfft.
Have you ever hit the point where you're all full up?
No room left in your life cup?
For all their nagging
Gossip & bragging
You earnestly wish they'd shut up?
Today I think I've reached that level
Feels like I need a shovel
For all their issues
Handing them tissues
So I'm avoiding them like the devil
Its not just them you know
Other people always want to know
Why aren't you wed?
Soon you'll be dead
Oh pfft, I wish they'd go.
Then there are those who are sensitive
To the opinions that I give
If you don't agree
Thats fine with me
Geez, I'm just tryin to live.
Time for all the noise to stop
Or else I'm gonna flop
No more opinions
From all the minions
Cuz my cup is filled to the top.
Yay Mondays.
Sounds like some one is really stuck on themselves. Any one I know?HMMMM
Its about a group of people really, no one in particular. I just write whatever comes to me.. not necessarily cuz im angry. I think most people don't like these types of poems cuz they're all thinking "is she talking about me?" I've perdy much only written a couple poems about particular people & neither of them were angry. Anyway, hope you're enjoying my blog :) And, no, its not about you. heehee
it's actually about me!!! b/c it's all about me!! : )
i just read your about me and i am loving it!! especially this part
"This is my blog. No abundance of children photos or schmoozey husband stuff. No "The Smith's" title. Just me. And me. And me... The Amanda's."
RIGHT ON. I've got enough schmoozey crap for the both of us. and i don't even like that icky love stuff.
i am missing you so much! i love you, JUST AS YOU ARE!!!!!
i also seem to love intense punctuation; )
haha... I LOVE you Becky!!!
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