Friday, December 11, 2009

My own little new adventure..

Wowza, I haven't been on here in quite some time. I've been doing quite a lot of reading which often means I've been lazy about my writing. The latest book I've read has inspired me quite a bit. Its called "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone (our old friend Cher from Clueless!). I love it! Its about how she became a vegetarian and then a vegan but it also goes further into how being a vegan is kind to your body, animals & the environment. I've been a vegetarian for about 10 months now and haven't missed eating meat at all. Reading Alicia's book inspired me to try veganism. Of course I've picked thee most difficult month of the year to become vegan, so I admit I've been rather lax and won't be full force until Jan 1st. But I'm glad I have this transition time. Not only is it financially smarter (cuz there is no way I'm throwing out any food, tis the season to penny pinch!) but it also lets me play around with vegan recipes so I'll be well prepared. I'll be sharing recipes I love as I go along & I'm sure I'll talk more about my reasons for wanting to be a vegan. I'm excited for this new adventure & hopefully I'll inspire some of you as well!


Louise said...

Congratulations!!! You should blog what you eat everyday. That would really inspire others to eat more healthily!

Anonymous said...

How is the veganism going??? Are you still sticking to it??