Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hard(ly) working moments.

Because I don't have much to talk about today I thought I'd post a few of the topics covered by a couple co-workers and myself:

On the Russian Duchess Anastasia:
While David (er, music major) has no knowledge of this historical person (Anastasia Wiki), Daniel remains adamant that the talking bat (picture) from the animated version is historically accurate.
On extra curricular activities:

"Hey you guys wanna go snowboarding?"
"I only ski."
"I only sled... I can just see us all going down the hill together holding a rope or something."
Upon being provided with 'thank you' cookies at work today:

"I just had thee most brilliant idea."
'Investing in real estate?' 
"Uh, no. For lunch I'm going to toast my english muffin, spread on peanut butter then put my cookie in the middle!" 
"you know what you should do, swap the english muffin for a doughnut."
I might mention the fact that we had no doughnuts.

 On blogging:
"I've totally commented on two of your blog posts and you deleted them both."
"No way. Actually, I usually go home and sit at my computer, pushing the refresh button just waiting for new comments."

Never a dull moment.

P.S. I told them both I was going to blog some of our conversations... not sure if they believed me...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ancient Aliens, My Pa, and Me.

Last night I was hanging out with my Dad. He's been away at work so I hadn't seen him in awhile. Him and my mom were munching on dinner & watching the History Channel (clearly his choice) when I plunked down on the couch. More specifically, they were watching Ancient Aliens. I really like this show, but I usually watch it alone... thus not verbalizing my thoughts. With an active audience here is some of what transpired:

munch munch munch

"Why do aliens always crash in deserts? You'd think they'd be more likely to crash in densely forested areas."
munch munch

Me (watching a commercial for Planet of the Apes):
"I highly doubt that when the apes take over that not one of them names their child something like 'oooo-eeee-oooo", instead its always like 'steve'."

"You should take mom to go see that movie."
"I dunno, its not really a date movie." 
"Well... I guess you could go as friends."
munch munch munch

"If they've identified that its an "unidentified flying object" then wouldn't it actually be an IUFO (identified unidentified flying object) now?"
munch munch

"Ya know, I think the bigger mystery is less about 'how can aliens travel so far through space?' and more 'why are they so interested in our orifices?'"

My poor father. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Was shown this video today. Have added it to my list of birthday wishes.

"Rediculous" you say? Maybe.. but I'm betting this tune will be stuck in your head the rest of the day. You're welcome.

Proof I'm doing ok

With my 28th birthday looming in the not so distant future, I've been spending a frightening amount of time pondering my life. Of which I've come to a few satisfactory conclusions.

1) I'm still alive... so that's gotta count for something, right?

2) I may be single but haven't settled for a complete loser either

3) I'm not in jail

4) I have over a hundred facebook 'friends' (so clearly I've made it big time)

and finally...

5) I'm not this lady:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wanna see something awesome?

Then focus your peepers on this:

and this:

Not yet impressed? Check out this video:

So simple, yet FREAKIN AWESOME. Alas, they seem to be sold out everywhere. Sigh.